Brighten your day with a variety of products that make treating yourself worth it.
Roscón Tradicional
Por la compra de este roscón, donaremos 1 euro a Acción Contra el hambre. Roscón Tradicional: Esponjoso, con almendrás, frutas y un increible aroma a agua de azahar.
Roscón de Nata
Por la compra de este roscón, donaremos 1 euro a Acción Contra el hambre. El roscón de siempre, pero relleno de una suave nata.
Panettone Frutas y Pasas 500 g
Panettone de fruta escarchada y pasas. Un clásico italiano para esta Navidad.
Panettone Chocolate 500 g
Directamente traído de Italia: Panettone de Chocolate 500 g, irresistible.
Fruit strip
Puff pastry with a pastry cream and apple base and a selection of fresh fruits: kiwi, strawberry, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. And they say you don't eat enough fruit!
Apple crunch
Crispy puff pastry base, compote and apple slices. The real original sin.
Chocolate cake slice
Celebrate life with this chocolate mousse cake layered with fluffy chocolate sponge cake.
Cheese cake slice
The cheese was invented for this creamy cake, covered with forest fruit jam.
Carrot cake slice
Taste a small slice of America with this juicy carrot cake with cream cheese and walnut frosting.
Danish Braid
Not the northern European hairstyle. It is a delicious dessert made with butter, filled with raisins and walnuts, and covered with icing.